Saturday, January 24, 2009

Snow Again!

Ok so you need to understand that as of two days ago there was no snow. All the snow that we had gotten had melted (we had green grass!) but yesterday I woke up to the 6" on the ground, well this morning I woke up to it snowing hard! and as it is a Saturday the plows where not out so the roads driving to work were terrible. Here are a few pictures to illustrate (albeit it was not the worst snow storm we have had but after a spring January it is a little disconcerting to have another winter.)

all the snow here is new, we had no snow two days ago,
even the snow pile here on the left did not exist.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Tribute

So my tribute to Valentine's day is the new pink aspect on my blog. I go to many of my friends pages and friends of friends pages and there are all these hearts and lovey aspects. I have never been one to care for Valentine's day (a day named for two martyrs) but I do have a great many people in my life for whom this day is a great day (some include birthdays) so for them I added some pink in honor of this holiday of love. I know I added black but come on people you cant expect me to be all hugs and puppies. ;o)


Alright so I know it is bad but I had kind of gotten used to not having any snow. the last big snow storm was on Christmas weekend and then after that everything melted and we have had clear roads. Well this morning I wake up and go out to start my car (no I do not have the auto car start, although I wish I did) and low and behold there is about 6" of dense snow all over. The roads coming into work where not the greatest and people were going very slow (admittedly I did pass many of them). In the end I got to work only 10 minutes later than I usually do, which is not bad considering. Still of late I have been wishing to live in warmer climates (ask my family and they will tell you exactly where I have and how I have been wishing to live and snow would not be part of it.)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


There are days when life seems disastrous. Today is one of those days! I know that it has been a while since I last updated my blog and I find it ironic that the day I do update happens to be a day like today. It just seems like everything is going wrong and that I cannot do anything right. I realize that this is probably far from the truth (I have people telling me this) but no matter what is said it seems that the sky is an endless stormy grey and there does not seem to be any ray of light or blue sky ahead. Of course there are those days that just seem amazing and I am sure that I could always have more of those if I would just change my approach, but alas today my approach is not as sunny as it should be.
It would probably help if I liked people more but in all truth, I don’t. It is not that I don’t get along with people and like some people, I am just an introvert and I prefer small groups to large amounts of people. I also really enjoy time to myself, so after a day of dealing with people I just want to be alone. And when I am having a terrible day like to day all I want is to be alone with a good book to read or some writing implements as I love to write. This is probably why I am writing now, trying to release some of this angst that this day is handing me.
